If you want to
your blockages
and activate
your potentials
and learn the most effective way to change yourself and your life for good,
then you're in the right place!
Be careful!
Because this intensive 10-hour reprogramming workshop will change your life FOREVER.
It will bring you 1 step closer to becoming the master of your life.

about Life
for Life
Did you know that most of our thoughts, behaviors, and reactions are driven by our PROGRAMS?
If you look at your life, the people around you, the job you work in, the partnership you are in... all the abundance or scarcity in your life...
Your programs have led you to where you are and what you currently have.
Most of us grew up in an environment that didn't have this kind of knowledge. We lived and grew up believing that we are just like that. That it is our character.
``He has a quick temper by nature.``
``She's the scared kind of girl. ``
``I'm not made for such big things. ``
``I was not born under a lucky star. ``
``She's the scared kind of girl. ``
``I'm not made for such big things. ``
``I was not born under a lucky star. ``
And many more such and other beliefs that are not true. They are not realistic. It's not who WE are.
They are just PROGRAMS.
And we can also change programs
And we can also change programs
Unfortunately, we have a huge number of programs based on negative patterns, the beliefs of our parents, society, the environment. There are also a huge number of outdated programs that no longer work in today’s world.
The consequence of such programs is an average, ``normal`` life. Inside the box. Adapting to others.
And above all, they block our potentials.
So ...
How to
replace your
What are we
ready to do
for this?
To reprogram your mind, we must first know our programs. Next, it is necessary to recognize blockages and walk the path to activation of potentials.
The question is not whether we are ready for change, but...
🌀 Do you feel within yourself that you have many more treasures than you live?
🌀 Do you feel that life is much more than just school, a job, and average life?
🌀 Are you ready to find treasures within yourself that are your birthright?
This 5-day
workshop will
... teach you how to activate your deepest potential
... teach you all about conscious manifestation
... help you discover the way how to cope with problems, difficulties, and vicious cycles
... give you tools for self-management and positive attitudes toward life, humanity, and nature
... help you understand yourself, your partner, your children, and everyone around you on a different level
Clients say...
This workshop completely changed
the way I look at myself, my
reactions, my relationships, and
situations that were happening to
me. It gave me an understanding of
the programs that were running my
life. With this workshop, I came to
the most important realization: I
can change my life in any way I
want, and I have the power to go
out of the negative vicious cycles.
I’m so grateful that I met Lena and
the way I look at myself, my
reactions, my relationships, and
situations that were happening to
me. It gave me an understanding of
the programs that were running my
life. With this workshop, I came to
the most important realization: I
can change my life in any way I
want, and I have the power to go
out of the negative vicious cycles.
I’m so grateful that I met Lena and


First, I had reservations
about the workshop. Then, I
found myself in the programs
that they were describing.
I found out that even though they
don't know me, they know everything
about me 🙈 Based on my blockages,
I found out that if I want a change in
my life, I will have to do something
about it and do it differently as I have
done so far. I recommend the workshop
to anyone who wants a change in all
areas of their lives.
about the workshop. Then, I
found myself in the programs
that they were describing.
I found out that even though they
don't know me, they know everything
about me 🙈 Based on my blockages,
I found out that if I want a change in
my life, I will have to do something
about it and do it differently as I have
done so far. I recommend the workshop
to anyone who wants a change in all
areas of their lives.
This workshop completely changed
the way I look at myself, my
reactions, my relationships, and
situations that were happening to
me. It gave me an understanding of
the programs that were running my
life. With this workshop, I came to
the most important realization: I
can change my life in any way I
want, and I have the power to go
out of the negative vicious cycles.
I’m so grateful that I met Lena and
the way I look at myself, my
reactions, my relationships, and
situations that were happening to
me. It gave me an understanding of
the programs that were running my
life. With this workshop, I came to
the most important realization: I
can change my life in any way I
want, and I have the power to go
out of the negative vicious cycles.
I’m so grateful that I met Lena and

About the workshop
10 hours
5 meetings for 2 hours
5 meetings for 2 hours
+ 1 individual session
with coaches
with coaches
you receive
- live workshop sessions
- new knowledge
- new energy
- recordings
- large scriptum
- 1h 1:1 session with coaches
Currently, the price has been reduced from 1000 Euro by 50% and costs only 500 Euro.
New Workshop
Acknowledge your
blockages and
Activate Potentials
01.08.2023 at 5 pm
Tuesday, 01.08.2023
5-7 pm (CET)
Friday, 04.08.2023
5-7 pm (CET)
Tuesday, 08.08.2023
5-7 pm (CET)
Friday, 11.08.2023
5-7 pm (CET)
Saturday, 12.08.2023
5-7 pm (CET)

©Activate Potentials